
Cataract Surgery – The Benefits And Risks

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

April 6, 2020

Cataract Surgery

Cataracts is a disorder that affects most of the elderly citizens in the world. And, while this is such a common disorder, there is no medication or eye drop that can treat the condition. The only guaranteed solution to cataracts is surgery, which involves the surgical removal of the cloudy natural lens of the eye; […]

Foods That Can Help With Your Eye Health

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

March 30, 2020


Vision is one of the most important things in our lives. None of us can imagine what we’ll go through if we lose our vision! And, for a good vision, we need healthy eyes. Obviously, vision deteriorates as we age, but we can always take certain steps to preserve our good vision for longer. There […]

When Can You Resume Exercising After Cataract Laser Surgery?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

March 23, 2020

Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a very common procedure that is being performed across the globe to help cataract patients see clearly after a very safe and comfortable operation. It generally takes a few days to recover from the pain and discomfort caused after the surgery, after which one can get back to his normal everyday routines. […]

What are retinal problems?
Retinal Problems – What They Are

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

March 16, 2020

Retinal Diseases

Retina is the third inner coat of the eye, which is responsible for creating a picture of the image you see when the focused light hits it, and sending it to the brain through the optic nerve, to make vision possible. Any problem in the retina can cause serious problems like retinal tears, retinal detachment, […]

Lasik Surgery – The Pros And Cons

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

March 11, 2020

Lasik & Refractive Surgery

Lasik surgery is one of the most common eye surgeries performed around the world to help patients get rid of their refractive error, and see clearer and brighter, without the aid of any kind of glasses or contact lenses.

Eye Care Service – Mumbai Is The Place!

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

March 2, 2020


Our eyes are one of the most important parts of our body without which we can’t imagine living for even a day! We rely so much on our eyesight that we’ll just be handicapped without it. But, in everyday life, we don’t realize its importance as we take our eyesight for granted. It is only […]

Strabismus – The Various Treatment Procedures

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

February 24, 2020


Strabismus, or squint in layman terms, is a condition in which both the eyes point in different directions. The defect could be in one or both the eyes. Either both the eyes could be pointing inwards or outwards, or one eye could be normal, while the other would be pointing elsewhere.

Ageing And Eye Problems – How To Deal With It?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

February 17, 2020


Ageing brings a lot of differences within the body. The most basic problems that we all have to go through as we age include wrinkling skin, graying hair, and body aches. But, there is one other thing too that most of us have to encounter, and that is eye problems. There are a number of […]

LASIK Versus LASEK – Which Is Better?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

February 10, 2020

Lasik & Refractive Surgery

LASIK and LASEK are two different surgical options that can treat refractive errors like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. If you have till date thought that both the procedures are same, with just a difference in the spelling, used differently by different people, or if you have yet not known the difference between the two, this […]

Can Cataract Surgery Correct Astigmatism?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

February 3, 2020

Cataract Surgery

Suffering from astigmatism? Then, you are probably looking for the right treatment for it. And, if you are not sure about what you are supposed to do and where you are supposed to go, then, this blog is here to help you.