
How To Keep Your Eyes Protected Even At Work?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

April 2, 2019


While we have already spoken about the 4 easy ways to keep your eyes protected in our earlier blog, today we will speak specially about keeping your eyes protected even at work. Not all job types can harm the eyes, but there are certain jobs that can hurt these lovely beautiful eyes of yours. Jobs like […]

Cataract Eye Surgery Services In Oshiwara Mumbai

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

March 26, 2019

Cataract Surgery

Cataracts is one of the most common eye problems seen to be faced by the elderly. A majority of people encounter this problem, which may lead to temporary or permanent blindness. While this is not a life threatening problem, it definitely is a matter of concern for those who experience it as it concerns the […]

Which Various Technologies Are Used To Perform LASIK Eye Surgery?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

March 19, 2019

Lasik & Refractive Surgery

LASIK has proven to become a boon for every individual suffering from eye problems, who wants to get rid of their glasses and contact lenses. Using a highly specialized excimer laser, which emits a cool ultraviolet beam to reshape the corner, LASIK can treat problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. However, there are different variations […]

Eye floaters and eye flashes
Do You Have Eye Floaters And Flashes?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

March 12, 2019

Retinal Diseases

Eye floaters and flashes are one of the common eye issues that one can have. While they are not absolutely dangerous, they are definitely disturbing and a warning sign of future trouble in the eye. While floaters appear as specks, thread, or cobweb-like images drifting across your line of vision, flashes are sparks or strands […]

Choosing The Right Eye Doctor

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

March 5, 2019


Eyes are valuable to all of us. Any problem in the eyes comes as a blow to most of us. And, this is one condition when we want to rush to a doctor or an eye specialist hospital. But, which doctor should you go to? Obviously, an eye doctor. But, do you know that not […]

What Is TASS?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

February 26, 2019


Toxic anterior segment syndrome or TASS is a complication that can follow an eye surgery. While it is not always a condition that can be instigated, but it is better to be aware of the condition, just in case it is a complication that your body takes on. Don’t take TASS to be a small […]

What Is Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

February 19, 2019

Oculoplasty & Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a very complex disease that may damage the optic nerve, leading to vision loss or complete blindness. We can only think about how glaucoma patients may feel, but we can’t imagine the pain and emotional stress they may be facing! To help such patients get out of that stress, science has come up […]

Low Vision Or Legal Blindness
Low Vision Or Legal Blindness?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

February 12, 2019


Low vision is a condition caused by eye disease, where the visual acuity is 20/70 or poorer in the better-seeing eye, which cannot be corrected or improved with regular eyeglasses. A visual acuity of 20/70 means that the person standing 20 feet from an eye chart can see what a person with perfect vision can […]

How To Keep Your Eyes Protected? 4 Easy Ways!

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

February 5, 2019


Eyes are one of the most important organs of the body, without which we can feel a lot helpless. While those who are born blind can unfortunately do nothing about it, but we who have beautiful eyesight can definitely prevent our eyes from becoming blind some day. By blind, we don’t mean losing your eyesight […]

The Most Common Retinal Diseases
The Most Common Retinal Diseases

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

January 29, 2019

Retinal Diseases

The retina is what lets us visualize objects when the light hits the back of the eye to create images. And, when this important tissue is affected, it causes lots of problems, wherein it becomes difficult to read, drive, and see fine details. In fact, if it is severely affected, it can even make a […]