
Peripheral Vision Loss
Peripheral Vision: An Overview With 7 Reasons Behind Its Loss

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

December 13, 2021


Peripheral vision is what lets you see objects all around you. You don’t need to move your eyes or turn your head to see objects on either side. It also helps you walk without crashing into objects and sense motion. The different nerve cells and rods that are located outside the macula help the human […]

Know 6 Troubling Symptoms of Glaucoma by the Top Specialist in Mumbai

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

November 22, 2021

Oculoplasty & Glaucoma

Glaucoma is one such eye condition that can occur to anyone above 40 years of age without letting that person know. And this is where a glaucoma specialist comes in. The Glaucoma specialist examines your eyes to detect the early signs of glaucoma and prescribes the right treatment to limit the damage. Among around 3 […]

benefits of laser eye surgery
Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery: Eligibility, Aftercare, & Recovery

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

November 11, 2021


Laser eye surgery is used to improve the vision that is malfunctioning. The eye surgeons apply advanced laser therapy in the cornea to reshape it so that the light can properly focus on the retina and you have a clear vision. Generally, if you have nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, laser eye treatment is the best […]

4 Best Eye Care Tips for COVID Patients

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

October 21, 2021


Eye care for COVID patients is a matter of concern for all, be it children or adults, or aged persons. The deadly coronavirus can affect various parts of the human body and the eyes are no exception. But how does the virus harm your vision and what are the ways to protect your eyes from […]

Squint post-surgery care measures by the best squint specialist in Mumbai
Squint post-surgery care measures by the best squint specialist in Mumbai

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

October 8, 2021


A squint specialist is an expert in treating squint eye or lazy eye or strabismus. A person with a squint eye stops dealing with information from the affected eye. Although the squint eye condition occurs in early childhood, young adults can also experience the condition. Treatment of such a condition is generally done using eye […]

contoura vision cost in Mumbai
Contoura vision in Mumbai: Reduce your dependence on eyeglasses

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

September 27, 2021


What is contoura vision surgery? Contoura Vision is an advanced US FDA-approved technology that corrects corneal irregularities along with the spectacle errors in the human eye. It results in a much sharper and better vision. It is a computer-guided topographic mapping method that records 22,000 microscopic contours of the cornea and improves the effects of […]

7 Best Diabetes Eye Care Tips for Better Eye Health

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

September 16, 2021

Oculoplasty & Glaucoma

Diabetes eye care is one of the most crucial things to get for people with elevated blood sugar levels. There can be a few risks related to vision due to diabetes such as vision impairment, poor eye health, etc. Generally in a diabetic person, high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels in the eye. […]

Dry Eye Treatment in Teenagers
Dry Eye Treatment in Teenagers: Causes, Symptoms, & Prevention

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

August 24, 2021

Dry Eye

Dry eye treatment in teenagers, in recent times, has become a major matter of concern. The increasing use of digital devices by children and teenagers has made them more vulnerable to dry eye syndrome and other related eye issues. But dry eye syndrome in children is completely preventable and curable. Only as a parent, you […]

tips to recover faster after lasik surgery
Lasik Treatment & Recovery: 8 Tips to Heal Faster After Lasik Surgery

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

August 11, 2021

Lasik & Refractive Surgery

Getting rid of your eyeglasses and not having to wear them ever again is freedom. Lasik Treatment gives you that freedom in just around 15 minutes. Thanks to advanced Laser eye surgery, now you can open your eyes and see the world more clearly without using your boring glasses or contact lenses. But to get […]

When does a Retina Specialist suggest a Retinal Laser Surgery?
When does a Retina Specialist suggest a Retinal Laser Surgery?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

July 20, 2021

Retinal Diseases

Laser Eye Surgery by a retina specialist can cure a variety of retinal issues. All you have to do is to keep an eye on the signs of the disease and visit your doctor as soon as possible. Generally, middle-aged and elderly people suffer from retinal disorders. But most retinal diseases are curable these days […]