Cataract Surgery

Do Cataracts Come Back After Surgery
Do Cataracts Come Back After Surgery? Find Out the Truth

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

January 30, 2025

Cataract Surgery

Have you recently undergone cataract surgery and noticed a change in your vision? You are not alone. Many patients fear whether their cataracts can return after surgery. Let’s cover everything about this common issue and the facts about post-surgical vision changes. Usually, a cataract takes place when your eye’s natural lens turns cloudy and leads […]

Understanding Costs and Insurance for Cataracts Surgery

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

July 12, 2024

Cataract Surgery

Article Reviewed By: Dr. Shradha Goel Table of Contents Understanding Cataract Surgery The cost involved in Cataract Surgery Insurance Coverage for Cataract Surgery: Additional Financial Considerations: Get the Best Eye Care from Arohi Eye Hospital:

4 Best Tips To Find the Best Eye Hospital for Cataract Surgery

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

August 12, 2022

Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a common eye disorder in people above the age of 60. It obstructs your eyesight slowly over time and you start to see the darkening or yellowing of colours around you. Also, your eyesight will get blurry, hazy, and eventually lose vision. If left untreated, the symptoms can become worse and lead […]

Cataract Eye Surgery Cost in Mumbai

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

February 23, 2021

Cataract Surgery

Although cataract surgery is a very common and safe eye surgery doctors perform today, there are many people who are unaware of its must-known facts. Cataract comes to most of the people after the age of 60. But with 98% (approx) of favorable outcomes (source: Vision Aware), this surgery has a highly successful track record. […]

Cataract Surgery – Causes, Symptoms, Benefits and All

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

September 9, 2020

Cataract Surgery

We all have heard about cataract surgery at some point in our lives. But a lot of us have no clear idea about it. There is a natural lens inside our eyes. The light rays that come into our eyes from outside are refracted by the lens and in turn, we can see. So for […]

cataract surgery after lasik eye surgery
Cataract Surgery After Lasik – Is It Safe?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

June 8, 2020

Cataract Surgery

Refractive error and cataracts are two most common eye problems that we see, with refractive error starting to create problems from a very young age, and cataracts coming on after an age of around 60. Although this is not definite; refractive error may come in the late adult stage, and younger adults may get cataracts […]

How Safe Is Cataract Surgery?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

April 20, 2020

Cataract Surgery

The thought of any surgery can be intimidating; and when it is a surgery related to the eyes, it can be even more frightening. But, trust us, if you have your surgery done by a specialist, there should be nothing to worry about. If a professional is taking up the responsibility of performing a surgery […]

Cataract Surgery – The Benefits And Risks

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

April 6, 2020

Cataract Surgery

Cataracts is a disorder that affects most of the elderly citizens in the world. And, while this is such a common disorder, there is no medication or eye drop that can treat the condition. The only guaranteed solution to cataracts is surgery, which involves the surgical removal of the cloudy natural lens of the eye; […]

When Can You Resume Exercising After Cataract Laser Surgery?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

March 23, 2020

Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is a very common procedure that is being performed across the globe to help cataract patients see clearly after a very safe and comfortable operation. It generally takes a few days to recover from the pain and discomfort caused after the surgery, after which one can get back to his normal everyday routines. […]

Can Cataract Surgery Correct Astigmatism?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

February 3, 2020

Cataract Surgery

Suffering from astigmatism? Then, you are probably looking for the right treatment for it. And, if you are not sure about what you are supposed to do and where you are supposed to go, then, this blog is here to help you.

Do You Want A Successful Cataract Operation?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

December 26, 2019

Cataract Surgery

Do you want a successful cataract operation? Obviously, yes! Who would say no to that!? But, the above question is only a way to let people know that you have come to the right place to understand how you can have a successful cataract operation. You need to have a mix of the right practices […]

Cataracts And Surgery – All You Should Know

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

September 9, 2019

Cataract Surgery

Cataracts is when you lose your clear vision, and start having frosty blurred vision, which makes even the simplest daily activities difficult. The reason behind this is the clouding of the eye’s natural lens, which is a transparent structure in the eye that helps refract light at the back of the retina. This clouding occurs […]

Preparing For Cataract Surgery
Preparing For Cataract Surgery

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

August 19, 2019

Cataract Surgery

If the natural lens of your eye is getting cloudy, thus losing its clarity, you are probably having cataracts. This is when you will require to undergo a cataract surgery in Mumbai. Although cataract surgery is a very normal procedure, there is still a lot to consider when planning for it.

eye shield after cataract surgery
What All To Take Care Of After Cataract Surgery?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

July 8, 2019

Cataract Surgery

While we have already spoken about a lot of after cataract surgery tips in our earlier blog, today we bring some more things that you must remember and take care of if you have undergone or are planning to undergo a cataract surgery in Andheri. If you ascertain that you will follow these suggestions, we […]

Cataract Surgery – Aftercare Tips

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

April 22, 2019

Cataract Surgery

Cataract surgery is one of the most common procedures being followed, especially by the elderly, to get rid of the cloudy lens that covers their eyes and hinders clear vision. We say “especially” the elderly because today, there is a good percentage of young age groups having cataracts too! Earlier, cataracts was only associated with […]

Cataract Eye Surgery Services In Oshiwara Mumbai

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

March 26, 2019

Cataract Surgery

Cataracts is one of the most common eye problems seen to be faced by the elderly. A majority of people encounter this problem, which may lead to temporary or permanent blindness. While this is not a life threatening problem, it definitely is a matter of concern for those who experience it as it concerns the […]

Surprising Facts About Cataract Surgery

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

January 18, 2019

Cataract Surgery

Cataract is a common eye issue seen in people of the older age group, which is being treated commonly through cataract surgery. Cataract is when you start observing vision problems like blurriness and glare with the eye lens becoming cloudy and discoloured. This issue is most commonly seen in people who are above the age […]

Why Are Cataracts Being Observed In Young Age Groups?
Why Are Cataracts Being Observed In Young Age Groups?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

December 12, 2018

Cataract Surgery

We all are so involved with digital technological devices with all sorts of screens today, like televisions, laptops, notepads, and smartphones, that we forget how these screens are significantly affecting our eyes. These digital technologies have brought up a number of problems within a large group of people today like headaches, eye strains, computer vision […]

How To Prevent The Growth Of Cataracts?

By: Dr. Shradha Goel

November 28, 2018

Cataract Surgery

As age grows, our vision goes blurred and weak. One of the most common eye related issues seen in older people is that of cataracts, which is a cloudy area that forms in the lens of the eye. This cloudiness prevents the lens from sending clear images to the retina. It develops slowly, and as […]